Whats New in this Version of REPEAT ??? --------------------------------------- 1) NEW Recurse Subdirectories Option. Run your operations on more than one directory at a time. 2) NEW Diagnostics Mode. To greatly ease the debugging process of creating scripts of your own. (REQUIRES PRINTER) 3) NEW View Script in entirety. See the whole script, scroll through the commands to find obvious errors. Or get a glance at what the script is intended to do. 4) NEW Cleanup Commands. For those of us who like to clean up any messes. 5) IMPROVED - Online help System to describe most areas of REPEAT 5.0. 6) IMPROVED - In previous versions of REPEAT, there was an undocumented limit on the number of files which could be handled by REPEAT of 200. If your mask matched more than 200 the program would end in error. Version 5.0 now checks for the number of files being processed and will warn you if you have reached it's limits. In addition the limit has been RASIED to handle up to 500 files. 7) Now instead of REPEAT consuming 100k+ of memory while executing the script, it uses about than 50k-63k, giving you more conventional memory to run larger programs in the Repetitious commands. Uses 60k+ when running RECURSE SUBDIRS option. 8) BUGFIX - Now you are able to span your operations to other Fixed or Floppie disk drives. You could do this in the older versions, however, you would always get an error when the operation was completed, so it wouldn't return you to REPEAT. Now it will.